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Writer's pictureNiamh Shaper

Could we be more successful if we could compartmentalise like our men folk can?

Men, scientifically proven, are way better at compartmentalising their lives than the opposite sex, us lady folk. For a second when I read that, I was thinking…’eh anything you can do, I can do better’ but when you glance around at the men folk in your life, they are annoyingly good at compartmentalising and we just quite frankly are not. It could possibly be our only flaw!!

However, could we learn how to compartmentalise, and would it make us more successful at achieving our goals?

According to Learning Mindwomen are more capable of managing multiple tasks, flowing simultaneously, while men get irritated when they have to do several things at the same time.’ We know we are masters of multi-tasking. Cooking dinner and working out at the same time. Doing the accounts while on the phone to a friend. I don’t need to explain. I know you get me. The problem with this though is that we are not 100% focused on one thing.

Let’s say you have an assignment to do or a presentation for work, but you had an argument with your other half in the morning. You go about your day, trying to get work done but you’re not as productive because you are distracted by thoughts of the argument. Checking your phone and email more often than you would normally when performing such a task. Here is another example at how we are wonderful at multi-tasking. Muddling emotions with the daily routine. Something as an assignment or presentation needs undivided attention.

So how can we divide our attention?

Try creating a schedule for your week. Lots of us have work schedules, schedule for the kids but you should create your own schedule incorporating all that needs doing in your week. Sit down at the end of the week. Go through your daily tasks and literally prepare a timetable for yourself. What are your daily priorities? You are more likely to succeed if you write it down and commit to doing it at that time.

For example, your workouts are suffering because other things are getting in the way. Have a look at your schedule. See when suits you. Schedule in your home workout or trip to your class. Once it’s down on the schedule, it’s set in stone. Don’t take calls or get distracted by pinging on your phone, put it on silent. Commit to that time slot and get it done. Schedule your day by dividing all aspects of your life under headings like, housework, work, health, laundry, family, partner, self-improvement etc You’ll know what’s best for you.

By scheduling your day, you are compartmentalising and becoming your most productive self. Currently, you might find you are more successful in some areas in your life but not others. By adopting this practice all areas will get attention and you will see success across the board.

Set a timer – as you are training yourself in the art of compartmentalisation, setting a timer will help keep you focused on the task in hand and getting stuff done! This will help you manage your time better. It will be a learning curve too. You might see where you can reduce or add time with some tasks and where you need to adjust time slots. Work smarter. Avoid the temptation of putting something urgent off because it’s harder to tackle than an important long-term task. It’s important to know the difference between urgent and important.

Compartmentalising is mind over matter. Commit and stick with it to develop the discipline with practice especially when it’s not easy! You might discover you are more guilt free because you have given the time and attention to the tasks and people that are important.

Niamh works as a personal trainer and fitness instructor and focuses on helping women bring their sexy back! If you would like more information on Niamh's services email

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